Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy


On the guidelines in “ACCRETECH Group Code of Conduct”, ACCRETECH Group has established this “Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy”.

2.Scope of this policy

This policy applies to all ACCRETECH Group officers and employees, and ACCRETECH Group seeks understanding and cooperation of all stakeholders with this policy.

3.Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption

ACCRETECH Group complies with anti-bribery/anti-corruption laws and regulations of all jurisdictions where it performs business activities. ACCRETECH Group does not give, offer, or promise public officials entertainments, gifts, or any kind of profits, far from normal business practice, for the purpose of getting any illegal, improper, or unfair profits.

In this policy, ”Public officials” means national government officers, local government officers, foreign government officers, or any kind of individuals/organizations that are considered as same in all jurisdictions where ACCRETECH Group performs business activities.

ACCRETECH Group does not give, offer, or promise any other stakeholders entertainments, gifts, or any kind of profits, far from normal business practice, for the purpose of getting any illegal, improper, or unfair profits, complying with anti-bribery/anti-corruption laws and regulations of all jurisdictions where it performs business activities.

ACCRETECH Group does not ask, agree, accept, or receive entertainments, gifts, or any kind of profits, far from normal business practice, for the purpose of getting any illegal, improper, or unfair profits, complying with anti-bribery/anti-corruption laws and regulations of all jurisdictions where it performs business activities.

ACCRETECH Group prohibits all officers and employees from giving, offering, promising, asking, agreeing, accepting, or receiving entertainments, gifts, or any kind of profits for the purpose of getting any their own personal profits.

ACCRETECH Group does not give, offer, promise, ask, agree, accept, or receive entertainments, gifts, or any kind of profits for the purpose of giving any individuals any personal profits.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy